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  • Kobe, Japan

Mercedes Benz 450SL

Car price: USD45,142

USD 1,500

Total cost of shipping: USD 0

Car Specifications

Make: Mercedes Benz Model: 450SL
Grade: 450SL Chassis: R107
Year of manufacture: 1979 Kilometres: 71,000 km
Engine Type: M 117 E 45 Fuel: Gasoline
Transmission: AT Exterior Color: Silver
Interior Color: Black *Full VIN/Chassis no. will be shown on Invoice
Engine Captibility: 4,500 cc

Car Specifications

Make: Mercedes Benz
Model: 450SL
Grade: 450SL
Chassis: R107
Year of manufacture: 1979
Kilometres: 71,000 km
Engine type: M 117 E 45
Engine capibility: 4,500 cc
Transmission: AT
Fuel: Gasoline
Exterior Color: Silver
*Full VIN/Chassis no., will be shown on Invoice

Features, Options, and Condition

PS:Power steering
PW:Power window
Options: Mercedes-Benz 450 SL,AC. , left hand drive, maintenance manual, open top, with hard top, original car, black leather, cruise control, fogs, V8.
Condition: Around body small scratchers.